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Current tag:Steel formwork pouring

Steel formwork pouringGive you a detailed introductionSteel formwork pouringThe product categories, includingSteel formwork pouringUse, model, range, pictures, news and prices of all products under。And we have a selection for youSteel formwork pouringClassified industry information, prices, exhibition information, pictures, etc., in the country to obtain user praise, for more details, please click to visit!
  • Round steel die 2

    Round steel die 2

    分类:Template product

    Product number: 1587884397

    Views: 9208

    Key words:Round steel die priceRound steel die wholesaleSteel formwork pouring

    Classification According to the use of steel formwork can be divided into: civil (housing) steel formwork, bridge steel formwork。According to the shape of steel formwork pouring can be divided into: box beam formwork, T beam formwork, cover beam formwork, hollow beam formwork, round formwork, guard beam formwork, pier column head formwork。There is also a combined steel template divided into: large template, small template, medium template, Yin Angle, Yang Angle and so on。Features Excellent steel formwork